Sunday, 10 November 2013

DR MUHAMMAD FAID Pakar Nutrisi Dunia Penasihat Olive House Resources

Pakar Nutrisi Dunia Pencetus " Olive House "
Olive Oil Asli bukan secara tiba-tiba di jual oleh 'Olive House"atau ia bukan sekadar idea sembang kosong.. tetapi ia terhasil dari 'jentikan minda' pakar nutrisi dunia.. DR MUHAMMAD FAID
sehingga kini Pihak Pengurusan 'Olive House" menjadikan DR MUHAMMAD FAID sebagai Penasihat dan tempat Rujukan.

Jom Kenali siapa DR MUHAMMAD FAID ini..

First name Mohamed
Family name FAID
Date and place of birth 1955 Ouled Said
Marital status Married (4 children)

Work : Department of Food Engineering and Technology
Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine
PO. Box 6202 Rabat-Instituts, Morocco.

1- Gold medal with mention. 4th world exhibition of invention and innovation Casablanca 2-7 July 98. Process for proteins obtention from fish waste
2- Prize of "Secrétariat d’Etat Chargé de la Recherche Scientifique", 4th world Exhibition of Invention and Innovation Casablanca 2-7 July 98.Process for proteins obtention from fish waste
3- HASSAN II Prize for Environment : waste Management Morocco Rabat 1999.

I.A.V Hassan II Morocco 1992 Doctorat d'Etat Es-ciences Agronomiques
Blaise Pascal France 1990 Doctorat d'Université (France) Doctorate
I.A.V Hassan II Morocco 1989 Diplôme de spécialité Agronomique Master
Blaise PASCAL France 1988 DEA (Food Science)
I.A.V Hassan II Morocco 1986 Assistanat Food Microbiology
I.A.V Hassan II Morocco 1984 Diplome d'Ingenieur (Food Technology)
U.C.L Bruxelles Belgium 1980 Certificate in Medical Microbiology

1- Gold medal with mention. 4th world exhibition of invention and innovation Casablanca, Morocco, July 2nd to 7th 1998 for “Process for proteins obtention from fish waste”
2- Prize of "Secrétariat d’Etat Chargé de la Recherche Scientifique", 4th world Exhibition of Invention and Innovation. Casablanca, Morocco July 2nd -7th 1998 “Process for proteins obtention from fish waste.
3- Hassan II Prize for Environment : Waste Management Processes. Rabat Morocco July 1999.


Food Safety Lecture Applied Microbiology Lecture
Biotechnology Lecture Food Microbiology Lecture
Quality control Lecture Food Sanitation Lecture
Food Biotechnology Lecture

I. Microbiology
1. Quality control: food poisoning microorganisms.
2. Post harvest deteriorations in crops and grains
3. Food preservation
4. Water borne diseases

II. Biotechnology
1. Use of microorganisms and/or their enzymes in food processing.
2. Enzymes production by microorganisms: lipase protease amylase phytase
4. Vegetable fermentations (olives, green pepper, lemon, garlic and bread).
5. Fermented meat products
6. Fermented dairy products
7. Food Wastes Recycling
8.Water Management and recycling


1 - Ex member of the New York Academy of Science (NYAS)
2 - Member of the ICAT. International College A. Tessier (France)
3 - Member of the Moroccan Society of Microbiology MMS (Morocco)
4 - Member of the Moroccan Society of Biochemistry.
5 - Member and vice President of the Moroccan Association of Consumers
Protection and Orientation
6 - Member and Secretary of the Moroccan Association for the Environment and
Consumption Concern
7 - Member of the Moroccan Experts Group


1. Faid M. and Tantaoui-Elaraki A. 1989. Production of toxigenic metabolites by Penicillium italicum and P.digitatum isolated from citrus fruits. Journal of Food Protection 12, 194-197.

2. Faid M., Chabard J.L., Larpent J.P. and Berger J.A.. 1989. Experimental processing of Moroccan smen: application of lipolytic microorganisms. Revue française des Corps Gras 36 (5), 221 - 225.

3. Faid M. Chabard J.L., Larpent J.L. and Berger J.A. 1989. Experimental processing of moroccan smen: Application of lipases. Microbiologie Aliments Nutrition. 7, 407 - 411.

4. Faid M., Larpent J.P., Larpent M. Chabard J.L. and Berger J.A. 1990. Antimicrobial factors in moroccan smen: aw, pH, acidity and free fatty acids. Sciences des Aliments, 10, (3) 653- ¬664.

5. Faid M., Chabard J.L., Larpent J.P., Tantaoui-Elaraki A., Elmarrakchi .A. and Berger. J.A. 1991. Moroccan smen Production from processed pasteurized butter. Microbiologie Aliments Nutrition 9, 279-286.

6. Faid M. Chabard J.L. Larpent. J.P. Tantaoui-Elaraki A Elmarrakchi A. et Berger J.A. 1992. Etude de la lipolyse dans le smen marocain. ACTES Inst Agro.Vet. 11, 21-25.

7. Faid M. Larpent J.P. Adrian Y. Chabard J.L. Tantaoui-Elaraki A. and Elmarrakchi A. 1993. Industrial scale production of Moroccan "samn". Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology. 46 (1) 9-11.

8. Faid M. Touraibi A. Larpent J.P. Tantaoui-Elaraki A. and Elmarrakchi A. 1991. Characterization of yeasts and molds isolated from traditional butter. Microbiologie Alimentation Nutrition. 10, 273-278.

9. Boraam F. Faid M. Larpent J.P and Breton A. 1993. Lactic acid bacteria and yeasts assocoiated with the sour-dough traditional Moroccan bread. Sciences des Aliments 13, (3) 501-509.

10. Asehraou A. Faid M. and Jana M. 1992. Physico-chemical properties and the microflora of moroccan table black olives. Grasas y Aceites 43(3),130-133.

11. Asehraou A., Faid M. and Akhartouf R. 1993. Pure culture fermentation of Moroccan green olives. Microbiologie Aliments Nutrition 11, 221-228.

12. Tantoui-Elaraki A., Sebti F, Breton A., Kaanane O. and Faid M. 1993. Mycoflora and physico-chemical properties of Pastilla papers. Microbiologie Aliments Nutrition 11, 195-202.

13. Asehraou A. et Faid M. 1993. Etude physico-chimique et microbiologique des olives vertes désamérisées en fermentation. ACTES IAV Hassan II.13(2) 21-26.

14. Faid M., Boraam F., Achbab A. and Larpent J.P. 1993. Selected cultures of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria for sour-dough bread fermentation. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie. 26, 443 - 446.

15. Faid M. Boraam F. Zyani I. and Larpent J.P. 1993. Characterization of sourdough bread ferments made in laboratory by traditional methods. Zeitschrift Für Lebensmittel Unter suchung und-Forchung 198, 287-291.

16. Mouncif M., Tamoh S, Faid M. and Achkari-Begdouri A. 1993. Physico-chemical properties and the microflora of the Olive Mill waste water. Grasas y Aceites 44, (6), 335-338.

17. Mouncif M. Achkari-Begdouri A. and Faid M. 1993. Traitement et valorisation des eaux résiduaires des huileries traditionnelles (Maasra). ACTES Inst. Agr. Vétér Hassan II 13, (2) 13-19

18. Mouncif M., Faid M. Achkari-Begdouri A. and Lhadi K. 1995. Biological valorization and treatment of olive mill waste waters by selected yeast strains. Grasas y Aceites 46 (6) 344-348.

19. Faid M. Anchad M. Bakhy K. and Tantaoui-Elaraki A. 1995 Almond paste: Physico-chemical and Microbiological characterization an preservation with sorbic acid and cinnamon. Journal of Food Protection. 58 (5) 547-550.

20. Faid M. Akhartouf R. and Asehraou A. 1994. Microorganisms associated with post-harvest green olives deteriorations. Grasas y Aceites. 45 (3) 313-318.

21. Faid M. Karani H. Elmarrakchi A. and Achkari-Begdouri A..1994. A Biotechnological Process for the valorization of fish waste. Bioresource Technology. 49, 237-241.

22. Ouhssine M. Elyachioui M. Elhaloui M. Faid M. et Laraichi A. 1994. Charge microbienne de la canne à sucre et perte en saccharose. Sucrerie Maghrébine. N° 55, 3-5.

23. Faid M. Zouiten A. Elmarrakchi A. and Achkari-Begdouri A. 1995. Biotransformation of fish waste into a stable feed ingredient. Food Chemistry. 60, (1) 13-18.

24. Bennani L. Zenati Y. Faid M. and Ettayebi M. 1995. Physico- chemical and microbiological characteristics of Kaddid a traditional salted/dried meat product in Morocco. Zeitschrift Für Lebensmittel Unter Suchung und-Forchung. 201: 528-532.

25. Amara A. Badou M. Faid M. and Bouzoubaa K. 1994. Microbial contamination of poultry slaughtered in traditional shops in Morocco. Microbiologie Alimentation Nutrition. 12, 323-327

26. Amara A. Badou M. Faid M. 1994. Antibiorésistance d'Escherichia coli isolées des carcasses de poulets fraîchement abattus. Actes. Inst. Agron. Vét. 14, (3) 25-29.

27. Faid M. Achkari-Begdouri A. and Elmarrakchi A. 1995. Transformation des déchets de poisson par voie biotechnologique. Cahiers Agricultures. 4, 109-112.

28. Charai M. Mosaddaq M. and Faid M. 1996. Research on the antimicrobial activities of two aromatic plants: Oreganum majorana and Oreganum compactum. Journal of Essential Oils. 8, 657-664.

29. Asehraou A., Mohieddine S., Faid M. and Serhrouchni M. 1997. Use of antifungal principles from garlic for the inhibition of yeasts and moulds in fermenting green olives. Grasas Y Aceites 48, (2) 68-73.

30. Faid M. Hammoumi A. and Amarouch H. 1995. From waste to feed- defining biotransformation conditions. FEED MIX 3 (6) 18-22.

31. Ouhssine M., Kharrati B., Faid M., Elyachioui M. 1997. A Microbial fermentation process for the stabilization of slaughterhouse wastes. Fresinius Environmental Bulletin. 7, (3-4), 190-197.

32. Zinedine A. Faid M. et Benlemlih M. 1997. Microflores d’intérêt hygiénique et d’altération des produits laitiers traditionnels marocains: Microbiologie Alimentation Nutrition 14, 331-338.

33. Kherrati B., Faid M., Elyachioui M. and Wahmane A. 1997. A process for recycling slaughterhouses wastes and by-products by fermentation. Bioresource Technology. 63, (1) 75-79.

34. Hammoumi A. Faid M., Elyachioui M. and Amarouch H. 1997. Characterization of fermented fish waste used in a feeding trial with broilers. Process Biochemistry. 33, (4), 423-427.

35. Hammoumi A. Faid M. Zouiten A. et Amarouch H. 1997. Biotransformation des déchets de poisson par fermentation contrôlée. Microbiologie Alimentation Nutrition. 15, 61-69.

36. Charai M. Faid M. and Chaouch A. 1998. Essential oils from aromatic plants (Thymus broussonetti, Origanum compactum and Citrus sinensis) as natural antioxydants for olive oil. Journal of Essential Oil Research.. 11, 517-521.

37. Hammoumi A. Faid M. et Amarouch H. 1998. Utilisation des déchets de poisson fermentés en alimentation animale. Cahiers Agricultures 8, (3) 207-209.

38. Asehraou A. Peres C. Brito D. Faid M. and Serhrouchni M. 2000. Characteristics of yeast strains isolated from bloaters of fermented green table olives during storage. Grasas y Aceites. 51 Fascicule 4 225-229.

39. Amhajji A., Eljalil M.H., Faid M., Vasel J.L and Elyachioui M. 2000. Polyphenol removal from olive mill waste waters by selected mould strains. Grasas y Aceites . 51, (6) 400-404.

40. Bennani F. Faid M. and Elyachioui M. 2000. Laban processing by the use of naturally selected thermophilic lactic acid bacteria. Microbiologie Alimentation Nutrition.

41. Bennani L. Faid M. and Bousetta A. 2000. Experimental manufacture of Kaddid a salted dried meat product: Controle of the microorganisms. European Journal of Food Research and Technology. 211, (3) 153- 157.

42. Elmjadli A., Faid M. Malki M., Fahde and Elyachioui M. 2000. A fermentation process for solid wastes from gut-dressing works. Microbiologie Aliments Nutrition. 17, 139-144.

43. Guessous Z. Ouhssine M. Mokhtari A. Faid M. and Elyachioui M. 2000. Isolement et caractérisation de Geotrichum candidum pour la production d’une polygalacturonidase extracellulaire. Sciences des Aliments 20, 309- 320.

44. Faid M., Oumzil H. and Benjouad A. 2000. Inhibition of growth and mycotoxin production by Zygophillum Gaetulum in Aspergillus parasiticus Guaruja, May, 21-25.

45. Essendoubi S., Faid M. and Elyachioui M. 2001. Bioprecess for transformation of poultry slaughter houses wastes. Science Letters 3, (2).

46. Rhajaoui, M. Oumzil, H. Faid, M. Lyagoubi, M. Elyachioui M. 2001. Antibacterial activity of a moroccan propolis extracts. Science Letters, Vol. 3, No.3

47. Eljalil M.H. Faid M and Elyachioui M. 2001. A biotechnological process for treatment and recycling poultry wastes manure as a feed ingredient. Biomass Bioenergy. 21 301-309.

48. El Kabouss A; Charrouf Z; Oumzil H; Faid M., Lamnouar D., Miyata Y., Miyahara K., 2001. Caractérisation des flavonoïdes des feuilles de l’arganier (Argania Spinosa (L.) Skeels Sapotaceae) et étude de leur activité anti-microbienne. Actes de l’IAV, 21 (3) 157-162.

49 El Kabouss A. Charrouf Z., Faid M., Garneau F.X, Collin G. 2002. Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Leaf Essential Oil of Argania spinosa L. Skeels. J.Essent. Oil Res. 14, 147-149

50. Chaoui A., Faid M. and Belhcen R. 2002. Phytates biodegradation in natural starters for sour-dou1gh bread in Morocco. Eastern Mediterranean health Journal. 9:141-7

51. Oumzil H., Ghoulami S., Rhajaoui M., Ilidrissi A., Fkih-Tetouani S., Faid M., Benjouad A. 2002. Antibacterial and antifungal activity of essential oils of Mentha suaveolens. Phytother Res. 16:727-31.

52. Elakhdari S. Faid M. et Benlemlih M. 2003. Etude microbiologique et physicochimique des rejets liquides des boyauderies au Maroc. CAHIERS de l’A.S.E.E.S Vol. 8, N°1,

53. Zinedine, A., Faid M. and Benlemlih M. 2003. In vitro reduction of aflatoxin B1 by strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from sourdough bread. Food and Chemical Toxicology.

54. Zerdani I., Faid M. and Malki A. 2003. Tannery wastes digestion by strains of bacillus sp isolated from compost in morocco. Journal of American Leather Chemical Association.

55. Kheddid K., Faid M. and Soulaimani M. 2003. Microbiological characterization of one humped camel milk in Morocco. Journal of Camel Practice and Research.

56. Kalalou I., Faid M and Ahami A. 2003. Control of hazardous microorganisms in “kaddid” from camel meat. Journal of Camel Practice and Research. Vol.10 (2) 163-167.

57. Zerdani I., Faid M. and Malki A. 2004. Digestion of solid tannery wastes by strains of bacillus sp isolated from compost in Morocco. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 6 (5) 758-761.

58. Kalalou I. M Faid, and AOT Ahami. 2004. Improving the quality of fermented camel sausage by controlling undiserable microorganisms with selected lactic acid bacteria .International journal of agriculture and biology. 6 (3) 447-451.

59. Kalalou I. M Faid, and A.T Ahami. 2004. Extending shelf life of fresh minced camel meat at ambient temperature by Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp delbrueckii. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology .Vol.7 (15) 243-24

60. Souhaili, Z., Lagzouli, M., Faid, M., & Fellat-Zerrouck, K. 2004. Inhibition of growth and mycotoxins formation in moulds by marine algae Cystoseira tamariscifolia.African Journal of Biotechnology [Online], 3(1). 71-75.

61. Zinedine, A, Elakhdari, S, Faid, M, and Benlemlih, M. 2004. Antifungal and anti-aflatoxinogenic activity of the brown algae Cystoseira tamarisscifolia. Journal de Mycologie Medicale. 2004. 14(4): 201-205

62. Zinedine A, AM Betbeder, M Faid, M Benlemlih, L Idrissi, and EE. Creppy. 2005 Ochratoxin A: Determination in dried fruits and black olives from Morocco. Alimentaria, Décembre N° 359: 73-76

63. Zinedine A., Faid M., and Benlemlih M. 2005 In vitro reduction of Aflatoxin B1 by Lactic bacteria isolated from moroccan sourdough fermentation. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology Vol. 7, N°1: 67-70.

64. El Akhdari S., A. Zinedine, M. Faid and M. Benlemlih. 2005. Biotransformation of liquid wastes from Gut-dressing works by a fermentation process. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology Vol. 7, N°1: 86-89.

65. Lamzira Z. Asehraou A. Brito D. Oliveira M. Faid M. and Peres C. 2005 Reducing the bloater spoilage during lactic fermentation of Moroccan green olives. Food Technol. Biotechnol. 43 (4) 373 – 377.

66. Amhajji A., Faid M. and ElYachioui M. 2005. Process for the treatment of olive mill waste waters by immobilized cells. 56 (2),121-124

67. Senhaji, O. Faid M., Elyachioui M., Dehhaoui M. 2005. Etude de l'activité antifongique de divers extraits de cannelle. Journal de Mycologie Médicale. 15, (4), 220-229.

68. Senhaji, O. Faid M., Elyachioui M. 2005. Antibiobis by cinnamon extract Against antibioresistant strains. International Journal of Agriculture and Bioloy. 07, (5) 724-728.

69. Khedid K., Faid M, Mokhtari A, Soulaymani A, Zinedine A. 2006. Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from the one humped camel milk produced in Morocco. Microbiol Res. Dec 20.

70. El Adlouni C., Tozlovanu M., Naman F., Faid M., Pfohl-Leszkowicz A. 2006. Preliminary data on the presence of mycotoxins (ochratoxin A, citrinin and aflatoxin B1) in black table olives "Greek style" of Moroccan origin. Mol Nutr Food Res. (5) 10

71. Chaoui A. Faid M, Belahsen R. 2006. Making bread with sourdough improves iron bioavailability from reconstituted fortified wheat flour in mice. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 4 20(4):217-220

72. Zinedine A, Brera C, Elakhdari S, Catano CF, Debegnach F, Angelini S, De Santis B, Faid M, Benlemlih M, Minardi V, Miraglia M. 2006. Natural occurrence of mycotoxins in cereals and spices commercialized in Morocco. Food control. 17:868-874.

73. A Afif, M Faid and M Najimi. 2007. Effects of breeding and hygienic practices on raw cow milk quality in Tadla area, Morocco. Livestock Research for Rural Development, Volume 19, Number 12, December.

74. Z. Mennane, M. Faid, M. Lagzouli, M. Ouhssine, M. Elyachioui, E. Berny, M. Ennouali and K. Khedid. 2007. Physico-Chemical, Microbial and Sensory Characterisation of Moroccan Klila. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research Volume 2 Number 3-4, Jul-Dec

75. A. Zinedine and M. Faid. 2007. Isolation and Characterization of Strains of Bifidobacteria with Probiotic Proprieties In vitro World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences. Volume 2 Number 1, Jan-Jun.

76. A. Ndaw, A. Zinedine, M. Faid and A. Bouseta. 2007. Assessment of Histamine Formation During Fermentation of Sardine (Sardina pilchardus) with Lactic Acid Bacteria. World Journal of Dairy & Food Sciences. Volume 2 Number 2, Jul-Dec, 2007.

77. NAMAN Malika, FAID Mohamed and EL ADLOUNI Chakib. 2005. Microbiological and Physico-Chemical Properties of Moroccan Honey International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 5- 773–776


1. Faid M. 1991 Food Health Nutrition (Spain). Saragosse Espagne de 10 - 21 December.

2. Asehraou A. Rachida Akhartouf and Faid M. 1993. A Controlled fermentation of Green olives. The first seminary on oleaginous plants Rabat (Morocco) (Poster).

3. Akhartouf R, Asehraou A. and Faid M. 1993. Microorganisms involved in olive alterations. The first seminary on oleaginous plants Rabat (Maroc) (Poster).

4. Faid M. and Tahri-Hassani S. 1994. Phytases production by lactic acid bacteria in sourdough fermentation. Symposium LACTIC 94 Caen September 7, 8, and 9th (France) (Poster).

5. Faid M. Zouiten A. and Elmarrakchi A. 1994. A biotechnological transformation of fish waste. The 8th European Conference on Biomass for Energy, Agriculture and Industry. Vienna October. (Autriche) (Poster).

6. Faid M. Idrissi-Kaitouni S. 1994. Biomass production on molasses and Olive waste water: Comparison of three nitrogen sourcesf or the adjustment of the C/N ratio. The 8th European Conference on Biomass for Energy, Agriculture and Industry. Vienna October. (Autriche) (Poster).

7. Faid M. Ettayebi M. Zenati Y. and Bennani L. 1994. 333 Microorganisms of hygiene signifiance and the safety of kaddid. The second Saudi Symposium on food and Nutrition. Ryadh November 7-10. (Saoudia Arabia) (oral).

8. Faid M. 1995. Biotechnological process for the management of the industrial waste Procédé Biotechnologique pour la transformation des déchets industriels solides.Séminaire International sur l’exploitation des décharges et le compostage des déchets ménagers. Réseau Ecocycle (Programme Med-URBS). Kenitra 27-28 (Morocco) (oral).

9. Faid M. 1995. IVe International Symposium on the herbivors Nutrition. Theix September 14-15 (France)

10. Faid M. Amhajji A. and Vasel J.L. 1996. A biotechnological process for the treatment of olive mill waste water. International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Impact Assessment. FST Mohammedia (Morocco).

11. Faid M. 1996. A biotechnological process for the conversion of fish wastes into a high nitrogen content ingredient for feeds. 5th world congress of chemical engineering, July 14-18 San Diego California (poster).

12. Faid M. and Bennani F. 1998. A new process for laban manufacture by the use of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria strains in pure cultures. The second Saudi Symposium on Food and Nutrition. Ryadh October 26-29 (oral).

13. Faid M. 1997. Removal polyphenols from olive mill waste water by yeast strains. 18th International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts (ISSY) 24 - 29 August, Bled, Slovenia (Poster).

14. Faid M. Amhajji A. et Vasel J.L. 1997. Procédé biotechnologique pour le traitement des margines. Colloque International sur la Gestion des Rejets Industriels Pour un Développement Durable. (oral)

15. Faid M. et Elyachioui M. 1997. Nouvelles approches pour le traitement des déchets solides par valorisation biotechnologique. Colloque International Gestion des rejets industriels Pour un Développement Durable (Poster).

16. Hammoumi A. Faid M. et Amarouch H. 1997. Biotransformation des déchets de poisson par fermentation en vue d’obtenir un ingrédient riche en protéines. Colloque International Gestion des rejets industriels Pour un Développement Durable (Poster)

17. Ouhssine M. Faid M. et Elmarrakchi H. 1997. Biotransformation des déchets des abattoirs en un ingrédient alimentaire stable. Colloque International Gestion des rejets industriels Pour un Développement Durable (Poster)

18. Faid H. and Oumzil H 2000. Inhibition of Growth and mycotoxin production by Zygophyllum gaetulum in Aspergillus parasiticus X International Symposium on Myco and phycotoxins. Brazil. (oral).

19. Faid M. et Elyachioui M. 2000. Aspect environnementaux des milieux et relation avec la santé. Deuxième Rencontre Internationale sur la biologie et le développement dans la région du nord du Maroc. 6-7 Mai (Tétouan).

20. El Kabouss, A., Z. Charrouf, M. Faid F.X. Garneau and G. Collin. Chemical and Antimicrobial Properties of Essential Oil of Argan Leaves. Premier colloque international Santé, environnement et substances naturelles, Metz, France. Février 17-20, 2000.

21. A. Asehraou, Z. Lamzira, D. Brito, M. Faid and C. Peres 2005. Interactions between Pichia anomala and Candida etchellsii and Lactobacillus plantarum solated from green olives fermentation. IUFoST 13th World congress of Food Science & Technology. 17–21 September 2006, Nantes, France

22. Faid M. 2006. Dietary pathology and cardiovascular diseases. plenary conference. Second international Symposium on Cardiovascular risk Factors: Physiological aspects and phytopharmacological approaches Fez Morocco, November 24-25.

23. Faid M. Serum glutamate transaminases decrease by propolis from Euphorbia resinifera in chronic hepatitis C patients.
The Fifth German Bee Products and Apitherapy Congress, Passau Germany March 23 to 25 2007.


1. Faid M. Chaibi A. et Tantaoui-Elaraki A. 1985. 2nd National seminary of the "G.E.R.M"(groupe pour l'enseignemet et la recherche en Microbiologie) I.A.V Hassan II Rabat 14 - 15 February 1985. (oral).

2. Faid M. et Tantaoui-Elaraki. 1st National seminary on microbiology of the S.M.M (Société Marocaine de Microbiologie). Faculté des Sciences Rabat 17 Mai 1986. (oral).

3. Lamrani M. Tantaoui-Elaraki and Faid M. 1st national seminary of the S.M.M on Microbiology and food Hygiene. Faculté des Sciences Casa II Juin 1990.(oral).

4. Faid M. 1995. Valorisation biotechnologique des sous produits et déchets alimentaires. Séminaire « Environnement et catalyse » organisé par l’Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Fès. 23-24 Novembre (oral).

5. Faid M. 1995. Valorisation biotechnologique des margines. Journée Margine Organisée par l’Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Fès, Décembre (oral).

6. Faid M. 1996. Le consommateur entre le traditionnel et l’industriel:
la préoccupation. Journée organisée par la Ligue Nationale pour la Protection du Consommateur. Meknès 8 Juin.

7. Faid M. 1996. Valorisation biotechnologique des déchets solides urbains et industriels. Séminaire «Environnement et Développement» Faculté des lettre Ben M’sik Casablanca 21/22 Mars (oral).

8.Faid M. 1998. Nouvelles approches pour le traitement de déchets solides: la valorisation Séminaire «Gestion environnementale et développement durable» Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Settat Avril 16-17 (oral).

9.Faid M. Charai M. et Chaouch A. 1997. Propriétés antioxydantes des extraits de plantes. Forum de Biochimie, Rabat, Novembre (oral).

10. Faid M. 2001. Sécurité Alimentaire. 5éme Rencontre Scientifique de l’Association Marocaine de Diététique, 23 Juin, Rabat. (oral).

11.Faid M. 2002 Application of some processes in food bioengineering in Morocco. First National Symposium of Biochemistry organized by the Moroccan Society of Biochemistry. Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Casablanca 9-11. (oral)

12. Chaoui A. Faid M. and Belhcen R. 2002. Biochemical phytates biodegradation in weat flour. First National Symposium of Biochemistry organized by the Moroccan Society of Biochemistry. Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Casablanca 9-11. (oral)

13. Zinedine A. Faid M. and Belhcen M. 2002. Mycotoxins degradation by lactic acid bacteria. First National Symposium of Biochemistry organized by the Moroccan Society of Biochemistry. Faculté des Sciences Ain Chock, Casablanca 9-11. (oral)

14. Faid M. 2005 Diet and cancer 8th National meeting on dietetic science Organized By AMDIET association Rabat, Morocco May 27. (oral).


1. FAID M. TANTAOUI-ELARAKI A., ELMARRAKCHI A. SBAI A. et SBAI A. 1992. Industrial Process for arab samn production. Office Marocain de la propriété industrielle. Patent N° 22680.

2. FAID M. ELMARRAKCHI A. ACHKARI-BEGDOURI A KARANI H. and STOEFLER H. 1994. Biotechnological process for the preservation and transformation of fish wastes into a nitrogen rich ingredient to be used in feeds. Office Marocain de la Propriété Industrielle. Patent N° 23497.

3. HAMMOUMI A. FAID M. and ELYACHIOUI A. 1996. A process for the production of feed ingredients from poultry by-products by biotraansformation.Marocain de la Propriété Industrielle. Patent N° 24357/96.

4. HAMMOUMI A. AMAROUCH H. FAID M. ELYACHIOUI M. 1997. A feed formula for poultry from fish waste transformed by fermentation. Patent N° 24829

5. FAID M. ELYACHIOUI M. 1997. A Process for the production of a protein autolysate from fish waste. Patent N° 24199

6. Malika CHARAI; FAID M. and CHAOUCH A. 1997. A process for the preservation of olive oil againts auto-oxydation by the use of natural extracts from aromatic plants. Patent N° 24914


1. M. FAID, B. HKERRATI et M. ELYACHIOUI. Solid wastes:Recycling and valorization (First Edition) 2000. ISBN: 9981-1769-1-5 (Rabat). In French

2. M. FAID, B. HKERRATI and M. ELYACHIOUI. Microbiological analyses of foodstuffs (First Edition) 1999. ISBN: 9954-0-0-384-3, (Rabat). In French

3. M. FAID and B. KHERRATI 2001. Orientation of Consummers for food products (In Arabic). ISBN 9981-1769-4-X.

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